Monday, January 18, 2010

First Blog!

Hey friends! So the Cargills finally had a few minutes to sit down and relax and this is what i chose to do with my time :)

We are officially happily married (yes, its official), 1 month out of college, moved into our new house, and working our new jobs! All in all its been a pretty crazy 6 months! Michael is working as a chemical engineer for OxyChem and is liking it so far; he's working for the same guy he interned with two summers ago and has no new names to learn so I'm pretty jealous! I started as an inside sales rep for Wisenbaker builder services last monday and I'm excited to finish with training and get set up on my accounts!

Our sweet son Rudy is getting very spoiled being an only child...maybe a little too spoiled! We went to dinner tonight and came back home to a little mess that he made when he threw his temper tantrum.

On another note, our sprinkler pipe burst who knows how long ago. I only know because our neighbor (who is not the most social guy) came over this afternoon and informed me that our pipe was flooding his yard. Luckily Michael got home soon after that and was able to save the day (and our water bill!) . We are beginning to understand the joys of being a homeowner....seriously we love it though! Pictures of the house to come soon!


1 comment:

  1. Ah!! Yay!! Welcome to the world of blogging! :) 1st comment...1st follower...I RULE!! Miss you kids - so glad to hear all is going well. Hope to come visit sometime soon :)
